

Why Customers Love Foundation Surety for Their Surety Bonds

At Foundation Surety, we are more than just a surety bond provider; we are industry leaders with a deep understanding of the unique needs of our clients. Our team is comprised of seasoned professionals who have spent years in the field, ensuring that we can offer not just bonds, but solutions and insights that truly matter.

“Foundation Surety (FS) offers thorough evaluations when considering surety cases. I have found the considerations to write bonds fair. Mr Gibbs and his staff operate with precision, responding promptly. As the former Project Director of Risk Management for the Detroit Bankruptcy Team, I’m impressed with FS and use their SBA bond program exclusively.”

Lawrence Polec
Independent Risk Consultant

“I can’t say enough good things about Foundation Surety. As a minority small business owner, bonding can be challenging, even if your business has a stellar track record. However, my experience with Foundation Surety proved otherwise. They understood my needs and didn’t hesitate to guide me in successfully acquiring bonding. I strongly recommend them for your bonding needs.”

Marqueo Curry
Curry And Associates Inc.

“Together, with Foundation Surety, our business has achieved new heights, enabling us to undertake larger and more complex projects that were previously beyond our reach.”

Mr Miles

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